Looking for a Few Good Men (Or Just ONE!)

Of course, no 20 something is guy wants to discuss having a baby much less adoption:)  During those wonderful (sometimes and sometimes NOT!) dating years while in college and after, I would bring up adoption to a guy who possibly, might be the one (my friends like to say I said they were all "the one"). I am sure I know what was going thru their minds.  Probably, a little less talk and a lot more action at that age! No baby talk at all please!  Well, I went thru my share of duds, idiots and weirdos etc.. I had diverse taste in men! ha ha  A few nice guys were thrown in the mix but few and far between.

North GA College was a great place to go to college.  It was small and it offers ROTC for people to commission as officers in the Army after graduation.   I think most of the boys that went there were probably (possibly?) more mature than most college boys because they planned to have a career in the military after college.  Ok, maybe I stretched it with that comment.  It was a great experience for me in meeting two of my lifelong friends and to learn more about our country's history and the military.  I was enlightened at an early age about the commitment of our servicemembers to our country.  I learned to respect men and women in uniform and to respect what our military does for people all over the world.

After college, I lived with a roomie who was dating a NGC alumni who had gone into the Marine Corps.  He was a part of Desert Storm in the early 90's.  One day, my roommate told me that he was coming home and that he was going to drive to Atlanta from Cherry Point where he was stationed and bring his roommate.  They wanted to know if we could meet them at Good Old Days in Buckhead along with some other NGC alumni.  It wasn't officially a blind date for me so I thought it would be fun!  Heck!  I was single and ready to party:)  When we arrived at Good Old Days, we were with a big group of people.  That was April 5, 1991.  We were catching up with old friends while sitting around a big table.  Little did I know, but the roommate I was suppossed to meet was sitting next to me.  No one had ever introduced us.  We started talking and realized we were the roomies who were suppossed to meet that night!

His name was Scott Ballard.  He wasn't feeling that well due to partying in Athens at a Naval school the last 2 weeks.  He was just kind of sitting there quietly sipping a beer.  Wasn't he lucky to be seated next to me?  We had an instant connection.  We both worked at grocery stores thru high school and college (both around 6 1/2 years).  We had both grown up as Methodists.  We just seemed to have the same thoughts on many things. Don't worry!  I didn't spring the adoption thing on him that night!   We were suppossed to get together the next day but it never happened.  I was disappointed because we didn't hear from them all day.  That night, the phone rang and it was Scott.  He remembered my last name and while out partying with the guys he found a pay phone and called me!  He had to leave to Cherry Point the next afternoon so he called to see about getting together before he made the long drive back in his red, rough 1966 Impala.  Sunday afternoon, he stopped by and we talked some more.  I didn't know him well, but I hated to see him go.  The very next Friday I got a card in the mail and in it he had written that he had told his grandmother about me!  Wow!  I was surprised but knew something special was going on.   About 2 weeks after that, my roomie and I drove to Cherry Pt. NC to visit Scott and his roomie for a few days.  That is not an easy drive for two 20 something gals who have never driven that far before!  That cinched it!  We were in love!  Scott came to visit me in Atlanta every Friday after that just for the wkd!  He was dedicated  or desperate!  Not sure which! ha ha  I hosted a birthday party for him on June 15th for his bday on the 16th.  My dad even came and a lot of friends who wanted to see this guy who they had heard so much about.  That night Scott and I were on the deck alone.  All of a sudden, he said "Do you want to get married?"  I was pretty taken aback since this was June 15th and we met April 15th.  I think we had seen each other in person maybe 10 days!  It was crazy but I said yes and it was our little secret while people were still inside at the party.  The next day, I was pretty nervous about telling anyone since we hadn't known each other that long.  I really dreaded telling my dad since he had only met Scott a couple of times.  My dad respected Scott and didn't freak out which was good!  My friends, on the other hand, thought I was nuts! We were married on January 11, 1992- Just 9 months after we met!  Hey!  It was a good time to get married- my lease on my apartment ran out the end of Dec. 1991!  How romantic! We will celebrate our 20th anniversary Jan. 2012 and YES, he ageed to adoption a long time ago!  He made my dream his dream and more!  Aren't I lucky?!


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